NSW Health has deferred the launch of its new ICT Strategy for two months, out to June 2012, in order to maximise stakeholder input into the plan. The new Strategy was originally scheduled for an April launch.
However it should still be ready in time for the establishment of a new Health ICT body, eHealth NSW, which is due to take place in July. EHealth NSW will comprise the ICT functions currently shared between Health Support Services and the Ministry.
Transport for NSW is looking for a Group General Manager to head up its shared services unit. The advertisement follows a call for applications to take on the role of Group General Manager ICT for the Transport cluster.
The Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) has announced that it has cleared the Apple operating system iOS 5 for the storage and communication of government information up to the ‘Protected’ level of classification. This means that government-owned iPads and iPhones can now be used at this classification level, but does not open the door for staff members to bring their own devices.
Fujitsu will make modifications to NSW Health’s Enterprise Imaging Repository (EIR) in preparation for the nation-wide roll-out of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR).
The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) will undertake a comprehensive overhaul of the security of its Integrated Cargo System, after a Federal law enforcement report gave evidence that it was being used by crime syndicates to track contraband.
Also at the ACBPS, the agency has selected Ricoh as its key supplier of printing and office machines, through the whole-of-government Major Office Machines panel for equipment and support.
Queensland Rail has signed a $33 million ICT managed services deal with Logica, following the agency’s transition out of a shared services arrangement with the now privatised QR National. The deal will include a transition to data centre hosting in new Tier 1 facilities in Brisbane.
The Queensland Government Chief Information Office has announced that it will adopt the Federal Government’s ‘Government and Industry Principles of Engagement on ICT’, and has invited members of the ICT industry to sign up in support of the principles.
Victorian ICT Minister, Gordon Rich-Phillips, has complained his State will not get its fair share of program funding as part of the NBN roll-out to take place over the next three years.
"With only 19.5 per cent of the premises in the total plan allocated to Victoria, our share of NBN construction activity is still too low given we represent a quarter of the national population," he said.
NSW State Contract 100 for contingent workforce provision has been extended for 12 months to April 2013. The contract covers categories of ICT labour hire.
The Northern Territory’s Department of Business and Employment is looking to establish a panel of business analysts, project managers and programmers to help it manage and maintain the suite of whole-of-government business systems under its control.
Related Articles:
New NSW Health ICT Strategy scheduled for April launch