Who we are

Intermedium is an Australian SME researcher of government use of ICT and digital technology. It provides trend information via online dashboards, detailed research reports and short research articles on a subscription basis.
It currently focuses on the driving forces behind the digital transformation of government services, the changing profile of the ICT labour hire market, cloud computing uptake, data governance challenges, legacy system management and the adoption of AI and other emerging technologies.
Intermedium’s founder and principal analyst, Judy Hurditch, has decades of industry and government experience. She left the Australian Public Service in 1994 as a Deputy Commissioner of Taxation and subsequently worked in NSW government, in management consulting and for an Australian software company.
She founded Intermedium in 2004 out of a conviction that an open dialogue between the ICT industry and government agencies based on an informed understanding of issues and trends would deliver more cost-effective and efficient solutions on both sides of procurement.
Intermedium has over 100 current and past clients including government agencies, local small to medium enterprises and multinational companies. Its audience consists primarily of sales and marketing professionals seeking to better understand the needs of the public sector. However, it also has a growing public sector audience who wish to understand what is happening with ICT and digital adoption beyond their agency or jurisdiction.