White Paper Sponsorship Opportunities for 2025

Get your brand and capabilities in front of government ICT and digital decision makers

Commission an Intermedium white paper that aligns with your ICT brand and highlights your cutting-edge solutions in the public sector.

Brand Recognition
Associate your brand with a topical issue of relevance to government leaders, policy makers, and decision makers.
Thought Leadership
Position your organisation as domain specialists, providing innovative solutions and insights.
Lead Generation
Drive interest and enquiries from government decision makers based on the solutions in the white paper.
White Paper Topics

Choose your topic, shape the conversation

Every year there are topics of key interest to government CIOs and other ICT and digital investment decision makers.  Intermedium has selected 9 of the most relevant to cover via white papers in 2025.   

You will give your company unparalleled exposure in the government ICT market by commissioning one of these white papers.  

Intermedium will work with you to refine the topic, and determine how best to point to your solution, while maintaining the integrity of the independent research.  

So secure the topic that excites you, before someone else snaps it up! 

Download the brochure

Elevate your brand with your next white paper

Working closely with you, our analysts will develop your white paper to show how your solution can help pave the way for a smarter, more connected government.

  • In-depth research and content creation by our experienced, senior team 

  • Your brand on the cover and on the inside pages 

  • Promotion on our social media pages, linking to your lead generation page 

  • Inclusion of the white paper in our library 

"As a testament to your great presentation last week and the impact on our customers, Judy Hurditch, [we] met with a contact at a federal government agency this morning who said she got a lot out of your presentation and is keen to see the white paper as soon as it's available."

- Senior Manager, Global Document Management Software Provider

Ready to impress the government ICT market?

Reach out to us to discuss this opportunity and move the forefront of government ICT thought leadership.

Contact Us