The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) is looking to recruit a new Assistant Secretary for the Government Network Services Branch. The successful candidate will oversee the development, deployment and maintenance of whole of government information technology networks and will report to First Assistant Secretary, John Sheridan.
The Federal Department of Human Services has signed a contract with Teradata Australia that will to be worth more than $13 million over two years. It will cover a data warehouse upgrade and software and hardware maintenance.
The NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) is looking to boost staffing in its Office of the Chief Information Officer. FACS is advertising four positions, including Directors of Information Management; ICT Performance Management; and ICT Architecture and Innovation, as well and a Business Manager. Staff will report to new FACS CIO, Tim Hume.
The Federal Department of Resources Energy and Tourism (DRET) has announced that it will cut at least 100 employees in response to budget cuts including the increase in the Federal efficiency dividend.
The Commonwealth Public Sector Union (CPSU) has also warned that the increasing prevalence of temporary and contract staff within the public sector poses a direct threat to the job security of public servants. It has produced figures showing that in the Federal Government eight per cent of all staff are ‘non-ongoing’ and another ten per cent are on contracting arrangements.
In Victoria, the Department of Human Services has confirmed that it intends to cut 500 jobs within the organisation as its contribution to the Sustainable Government Initiative, aimed at reducing the Victorian public service by 3,600.
At a recent briefing delivered by Intermedium’s Managing Director, Judy Hurditch, she stated that at least one agency currently uses $7,000 as the estimate of the per person, per annum cost (both internal and external) of providing ICT support to its employees.
Geomantic Technologies has won a multi-million dollar contract to provide a defect-management solution to NBN Co, to support the roll-out of the National Broadband Network.
ICT professionals with an interest in international espionage should not miss a recently published opportunity to become the Chief Technology Officer at the Australian Secret Intelligence Service. The CTO will report directly to the Chief Information Officer.
The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found that Federal agencies are over-using confidentiality provisions that allow them to avoid publishing details of some contracts. From a sample of 110 contracts which remained unpublished under the provisions, the ANAO found that 96 contracts, or 87 per cent, were incorrectly classified.
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What will the MYEFO cuts mean for the ICT market?
CIO Kerry Holling to leave NSW Department of Family & Community Services