According to The Age CenITex head Michael Vanderheide has halted the transition of the Victorian Police and VicRoads across to the shared services provider, to make way for a review by the State Services Authority. CenITex is reportedly $20 million over its budget.
Also in Victoria, the Department of Treasury and Finance has confirmed that it is running to schedule with its refresh of the eServices Panel.
"The eServices panel refresh is progressing, with the evaluation process due to be completed shortly. The Department of Treasury and Finance is on track to conclude the refresh of the panel by 31 October 2011," said a spokesman.
The Australian has reported that the Department of Health and Ageing is currently running $5 million over its budget for the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR).
The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) has finished making additions to the whole-of-government Internet Based Network Connections (IBNC) panel for the time being.
“No further additions to the IBNC panel are programmed at this time,” said a spokesperson.
Former ANZ Bank Chief Information Officer, Gary Sterrenberg, will start in his new role as CIO for the Department of Human Services (DHS) on 24 October. He replaces retiring DHS CIO John Wadeson.
Peter Duncan, once the Director-General of the NSW Department of Services, Technology and Administration and more recently a Deputy Director-General of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, will add yet another NSW Government position to his CV.
He has been appointed the Chief Executive of the soon-to-be created body NSW Roads and Maritime, which follows on from the dissolution of the Roads and Traffic Authority and Maritime NSW.