Navigating Federal Digital and ICT Futures: 2025 Outlook

Introducing our panellists

Here are the senior thought leaders at the "Navigating Federal Digital and ICT Futures: 2025 Outlook" breakfast briefing

Lucy Poole - General Manager, Strategy, Planning and Performance - Digital Transformation Agency

Lucy Poole

General Manager, Strategy, Planning and Performance, Digital Transformation Agency

Lucy leads the Strategy, Planning and Performance Division which focuses on providing whole-of-government strategic leadership to the development and implementation of digital policies, the Australian Government Architecture, and the Data and Digital Government Strategy.  

 Lucy oversees the management of the government’s digital investment pipeline to ensure an integrated and coordinated approach to government’s investment in digital and ICT. A key priority for Lucy is driving the achievement of the Australian Government’s vision to implement world class digital capabilities to deliver outstanding outcomes for all.  

 Lucy also manages the Digital Transformation Agency’s development of policies, governance models, and assurance frameworks for the implementation and use of Generative Artificial Intelligence technologies across the Australian Public Service.  

 Prior to joining the Digital Transformation Agency, Lucy held senior executive roles at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Public Service Commission where she led several transformation programs. Lucy has experience across a range of sectors including Australian federal and state governments, the private sector and the UK civil service.

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Judy Hurditch - Principal Analyst - Intermedium

Judy Hurditch

Principal Analyst, Intermedium

Judy was a Deputy Commissioner of Taxation when she left the Australian Public Service and was responsible for a range of major ICT-dependent program reforms, including the implementation of the Tax File Number System.

She has an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management and founded Intermedium in 2004, as a specialist researcher of Australian public sector use of digital and ICT.

As an independent industry analyst, she has an extensive understanding of key technology and digitisation issues facing senior government decision-makers.

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