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In Other Government ICT and Digital news, 16 August 2023

by Cameron Sinclair •
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The Department of Health is seeking advice on future ICT trends, NSW emergency workers get satellite internet in their vehicles, the DTA is looking for a COO, and the latest labour market data shows ICT workers are holding onto their jobs. 


The Department of Health and Aged Care has issued a request for information (RFI) on current and future ICT trends to inform a new sourcing plan for service management, infrastructure, and network services requirements over the next 3 to 5 years. 

The ANAO is kicking off an audit of the NBN’s transition from being a builder to an operator of the national broadband network. We suspect local telcos will have plenty to say. Contributions close in December. 

The latest Jobs and Skills Australia’s quarterly skills shortage report shows that while the labour market is softening, experienced ICT staff are holding onto their jobs. There is still a significant ‘suitability’ gap for ICT workers, where applicants have the required qualifications but lack the desired skills or experience. 

Speaking of experienced staff, the DTA is looking for a new COO (SES Band 1, $211,969-$272,046) as George-Philip (GP) de Wet has moved to the new National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). 

The first phase of the new National Security Office Precinct has kicked off in Canberra, with work starting on a 1,100 space car park adjacent to the John Gorton Building. Construction on the offices themselves, on a site at York Park (1km away) will not begin until early 2025. 


The NSW government has installed WiFi satellite technology in more than 1,300 fire and emergency vehicles to keep first responders connected via 4G or satellite during incident responses. We expect that emergency services will be the early adopters of satellite internet services in other states. 

The WA government is the first beneficiary of a new national cyber security course for public servants developed by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD). The 18 hour Essential Eight Assessment Course is being delivered through TAFEs and will soon be rolled out in other states. 

The news comes days after the Queensland government launched a new Cyber Security Training Operation Centre (CSTOC) on the Gold Coast at TAFE Queensland’s Coomera campus. 


UK inflation wows continue, with wages climbing at 7.8% in the June quarter, the highest rate since records began in 2001. The Office of National Statistics monthly bulletin shows unemployment is up slightly and job vacancies are trending down. No word yet on whether HM Treasury was able to recruit a Head of Cyber Security…  

We have been following the rapid evolution of Low Earth Orbit (Leo) satellites with great interest, but a German PhD student has raised serious security concerns, claiming some are utterly defenceless against remote takeover. The student surveyed 19 satellite developers, finding many lack basic protection, allowing anyone with a strong enough radio to take control. 

The Internet Archive, usually a terrific source for figuring out Commonwealth APS movements, is being sued by several record companies for copyright infringement. Rolling Stone is reporting that the suit alleges that the community initiative for “the preservation, research and discovery of 78rpm records,” is more like an “illegal record store” providing free and unlimited access to music. The suit seeks statutory damages of up to $150,000 for each recording infringement. 

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