The Office of Simon Finn, Queensland’s Technology Minister has confirmed that interviews are currently underway for the selection of a Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) for the state. Premier Anna Bligh announced in July that recruitment was underway for the first GCIO to function at the Chief Executive level.
According to the Department of Finance and Deregulation’s 2010-11 Annual Report, we should see a final ICT Strategic Vision before the end of the year. AGIMO released a draft of the Strategic Vision in April for feedback.
AGIMO’s Brian Catto has reported that the Federal Government’s IPv6 transition strategy is well underway.
“Agencies continue to make good progress towards the final milestone of December 2012,” he said on the AGIMO Blog.
Also on the AGIMO Blog, Kayelle Wiltshire has invited industry members to attend an industry consultation on Data Centre as a Service. It will be held in Canberra on Friday 11 November 2011, and participants will be notified of the location and time upon registration.
Dr Tony O’Connell formally began his role as the Director-General of Queensland Health on 7 October, after acting in the role since the departure of Mick Reid in June 2011.
CrimTrac has signed a $17 million contract with a relative newcomer to the Federal Government market Morpho, for software support.
Related Articles:
The ebb and flow of the GCIO: Former Government CIOs share their views
Federal agencies must learn to share, says draft whole-of-gov ICT strategy
AGIMO proposes to streamline procurement for smaller agencies