Intermedium Events

2024-25 Federal ICT and Digital Budget Briefing

Thursday July 25, 2024
07:00 - 09:45

Government Budget Briefings

Our thought leaders

Senator Katy Gallagher - Minister for Finance, Women, Public Service

The Hon Senator Katy Gallagher

Minister for Finance, Women, and the Public Service

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Chris Crozier, Chief Information Officer, Defence Digital Group

Mr Chris Crozier

Chief Information Officer

Department of Defence, Defence Digital Group

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Matthew Hay - Chief Information Officer - Australian Taxation Office

Matthew Hay

Chief Information Officer

Australian Taxation Office

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Radi Kovacevic - A/g Group Manager; Technology and Major Capability - Department of Home Affairs

Radi Kovacevic

A/g Group Manager

Technology and Major Capability Group, Department of Home Affairs

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Krissie Auld - Chief Technology Officer, CIO Command, Australian Federal Police

Krissie Auld

Chief Technology Officer

CIO Command, Australian Federal Police

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Judy Hurditch

Judy Hurditch

Principal Analyst


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About this event

Recognised as a feature event for the ICT and digital industry, Intermedium’s Federal Budget Breakfast Briefing will give attendees detailed insight into the 2024-25 budget’s ICT and digital allocations and how tech suppliers will be impacted. 

As always, there is a packed agenda:

  • The Hon Senator Katy Gallagher, Minister for Finance, Women, and the Public Service, will guest in a fireside chat with Intermedium's principal analyst, Judy Hurditch
  • Mr Chris Crozier, Chief Information Officer for the Defence Digital Group of the Department of Defence, Matthew Hay, Chief Information Officer for the Australian Taxation Office, Radi Kovacevic, A/g Group Manager for the Technology and Major Capability Group of the Department of Home Affairs, and Krissie Auld, Chief Technology Officer for the CIO Command of the Australian Federal Police, will provide their views on the issues and priorities they will be working on in 2024-25. will provide their views on the issues and priorities they will be working on in 2024-25.
  • Intermedium will provide a comprehensive analysis of the ICT and digital implications of the 2024-25 budget
  • Intermedium will announce the results of its 2024 ANZ Digital Government Readiness and Maturity survey – we may all be surprised to see who tops the jurisdictional leaderboard this year!

And as always, there will be excellent networking opportunities.

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About TechnologyOne
federal government budget analysis

Detailed budget analysis

Immediate access to analyst insights:

  • What the government's "digital economy" agenda means for suppliers
  • How previous allocations flow through to this year's spending
  • Which agencies are receiving ICT funding and why
  • The trajectory of ICT and general OpEx growth
  • Agency leaderboard analysis for ICT and digital procurement
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