Bespoke Research

Tailored research to fit your distinct requirements

Generate required insights not otherwise obtainable for your planning and positioning

Ask us about it
Highly skilled researchers
Intermedium's team of public sector subject matter experts will deliver to you practical, actionable analysis
Research at any level
We can produce anything from full-scale, in-depth research projects down to short, sharp assignments to fit a specific need Ask us about it

Leverage customised intelligence to give your business an extra edge

Make informed decisions by understanding the demand and supply of your market. Gain deeper insights into the contenders, market trends, pain points and buyer preferences.

Tailored research to support your specific government business goals

Multiple approaches to meet your objectives

Intermedium can employ a range of methodologies to deliver the best outcome for your research goals, including:


Data Analysis

Our comprehensive contract and budget data for all jurisdictions span multi-year periods to provide trend, market size, competitor and buyer activity


Desk Research

Comprehensive desk research of public (and where appropriate and possible, private) domain sources of relevant information, including government publications, agency web sites, press articles, budget papers, tender documents, reported contracts, reports of Parliamentary hearings and Intermedium research articles


One-on-One Interviews

Dependent upon your requirements, field-based one-on-one interviews of senior to very senior level individuals within government agencies, enterprise suppliers or advisory firms to both buyers and suppliers can be conducted


Scout IT
Prospect for leads from expiring contracts, panels and procurement plans
Analyse IT
Deep dive into the procurement trends of the Federal Government ICT market
Knowledge Base
Stay up-to-date and in-the-know through insightful articles on the public sector ICT market
Executive Compass
Navigate your strategic plans with our jurisdictional-based monthly executive outlooks