A glossary of information and communication technology (ICT) and public sector terms to help suppliers more credibly engage with government.
Term | Definition |
Industry Assistance | Various forms of government support provided to businesses and industries with the aim of promoting economic growth and development. This assistance can take many forms, such as subsidies, tax breaks, grants, and loans, and is often provided to help businesses expand their operations, create jobs, and compete more effectively in local and global markets. |
Information Technology Service Management | Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) refers to the set of policies, processes, and procedures used by organisations to manage their IT services and infrastructure. The aim of ITSM is to align IT services with the needs of the business, while ensuring that IT services are delivered effectively, efficiently, and with a focus on continuous improvement. ITSM typically involves the use of frameworks such as ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) to help organisations manage IT services across the entire lifecycle, from planning and design through to delivery, support, and retirement. |
Infrastructure | Agencies responsible for the development, maintenance, and management of public infrastructure, including transportation systems, communication networks, water and sewage systems, and other public facilities. This involves planning, funding, designing, constructing, and maintaining infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life and promote economic growth and development. |
Infrastructure As A Service | Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a type of cloud computing service model in which a provider offers virtualised computing resources over the internet, such as servers, storage, and networking components, to businesses and organisations. With IaaS, customers have the flexibility to manage their own infrastructure, operating systems, and applications, while the provider is responsible for maintaining the physical infrastructure and providing technical support. This model allows organisations to scale their IT resources up or down as needed, and can reduce the cost and complexity of managing and maintaining their own physical hardware. |
Infrastructure Management | Maintaining the physical and digital infrastructure (either on premises or in a data centre) that supports an organisation's operations. This includes managing servers, networks, databases, and storage systems, as well as ensuring the security, reliability, and availability of these systems. Infrastructure management may be performed by internal IT departments or outsourced to specialised service providers, depending on the needs and resources of the organisation. |
Inter-jurisdictional body | A body that is established by two or more levels of government, such as the federal government and state or territory governments, to collaborate and work together on issues of mutual interest or concern. Inter-jurisdictional bodies may take various forms, such as councils, committees, or taskforces, and may be established for a specific purpose or on an ongoing basis. The governance of these bodies may involve representatives from each jurisdiction, with decisions made through consensus or through a voting process. |
Interactive | Technology or software that allows users to actively engage with and manipulate digital content or applications through direct input, such as through touchscreens, voice recognition, or gesture controls. Interactive technologies are often used in gaming, digital signage, education and training, and other applications where user engagement and interactivity are desired. |
Intergovernmental Agreement on Data Sharing | The Intergovernmental Agreement on Data Sharing (IGA) is a framework agreement between the Australian Commonwealth Government and the states and territories for the sharing of public sector data. The aim of the IGA is to promote the efficient, effective, and ethical sharing and use of data across government, to improve policy development, service delivery, and program evaluation. |
Internet Services | The provision of Internet services involves delivering connectivity and related services to organisations, typically through wired or wireless networks, with the aim of facilitating access to the Internet. The provision of Internet services requires the deployment and management of various network infrastructure, hardware, and software components to ensure reliable and secure service delivery. |
Invitation to Supply | An invitation to supply (ITS) is a request for interested parties to submit their capabilities and pricing for specific goods or services. ITS is used to identify potential suppliers that meet the minimum requirements to participate in a procurement process. The ITS process may be used to establish a panel of suppliers or to procure a specific contract. Suppliers who meet the selection criteria outlined in the ITS may then be invited to submit a formal proposal in response to a request for tender or request for proposal. |